Hi There!
I’m Davy Smith
I’m a researcher, creative coder and designer. My research is highly interdisciplinary, bridging the fine art(s), interactive media and computer science. After a background as a practicing digital media artist, I completed a PhD at Queen Mary, University of London, which focused upon the design of intrinsically motivated neuro-evolutionary algorithms. I am interested in understanding how exploratory and curious behaviours manifest themselves as directed, creative processes, both from design-led and formal, algorithmic perspectives.
In my work as a coder I have acted as lead developer on iOS applications for Tate Britain and In The Woods festival. Alongside Daniel Carey I developed Aleph Project, a mobile curatorial platform for location based sharing of artworks. I mostly code in C++, JAVA, Objective-C and Python, but have also been known to use JavaScript, C# and Lua when necessary.
As a hobbyist I like to explore procedural content generation in video games. I use a number of game development tools including Unity 3D.
I have also designed full UI/UX stacks for mobile and desktop applications for a range of leading clients and startups.