Prototype for an audio visual experimental game charting the life of Sergei Eisenstein. Built using Unity3D, post-processing in Adobe AfterEffects.
Intrinsically Motivated Asteroids
Novelty search is an algorithm which proposes open-ended exploration of the search space by maximising behavioural novelty, removing the need for an objective fitness function. However, we show that when applied to complex tasks, training through novelty alone is not sufficient to produce useful controllers. Alongside this, the definition of phenotypic behaviour significantly affects the strategies of the evolved solutions. … Read More
Natural Experiment #1
A first experiment into creating generative systems which imbue natural behaviours or characteristics. Running 1 Million particles in OpenFrameworks with OpenCL. Attraction of the particles is generated using 2-dimensional Perlin Noise.
Aleph Project
explore collect curate Aleph Project is a platform developed by myself and Daniel Carey to enable artists to curate and share location-based content. The app allows users to access download points where audio and visual content can be unlocked. Users collect, curate, and share their own galleries on their device. Initially released to coincide with the North East Late Shows … Read More
T Space Pandemic
T-Space Pandemic was an experimental location-based app. When a pair of users encountered one another, this physical meeting was represented by a link on each other’s screen. As they continued to interact with other users, these developed into complex webs, creating a real-time network of abstract associations between groups of users. The app was initially developed in collaboration with Daniel … Read More